Welcome to Christian Family Community Church
We are a congregation of like-minded Bible believers committed to learning more about Jesus and serving the community.
We do this through studying and discussing the Bible, worshiping together, and organizing community outreach events.
The mission of our church is to love God, love our families, love our communities, and reach out to the whole world.

What we believe
It is our belief that the Bible is the inspired Word of God that is free of error and divinely inspired.
According to our belief system, God exists eternally in three different personalities; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
According to the foundational teaching of the Church, Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Savior, and the Son of God, and that in order to be in fellowship with God, we must receive God’s saving grace in order to be saved.
Having been separated from God as the result of our sin, Jesus returned to us in order to restore our relationship with Him and to reconcile us to him once more.
As Christians, we are saved by faith in Christ, which means that we must repent of our sins, confess our faith before witnesses, obey the Word of God, and be baptized in the name of the Lord.
The Holy Spirit is a gift given to all who accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and put their trust in him as their Saviour. Salvation can only be achieved through faith in Christ and cannot be earned.
As Christians, we believe that legitimate sexual relations are only permitted as part of marriage and that marriage is ordained by God as a life-long commitment.
It is our belief as Christians that lascivious behavior, pornography, and gender change are incompatible with the witness of the Scriptures.
Meet Our Team

Steve Humphrey
Lead Pastor
During his time at Summit Bible College, Pastor Steve earned his degree in Theology. He has been married to Sherry for 36 years and they have two children together. It was after many prayers that they came to the conclusion that God had a plan for them and that meant moving to Idaho. Therefore, in 2015 they decided to move from California to Idaho. It became evident to Steve in 2020 that God’s plan for him was to plant a church in Jerome.

Will and Cathy Cervantes
Youth Directors
The Youth Directors in our ministry are William (Will) Cervantes and Cathy Cervantes.
They are both Idaho natives who have lived there all their lives.
Throughout their careers, they have served in numerous youth ministries.

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Church Services
Church services take place on Saturdays. Doors open at 5:30pm and the service starts at 6:00pm and ends between 7:00 and 7:30pm.
Give us a ring
For prayer requests or more information, please call or text Pastor Steve at (208) 283-3716.
Email us
Email us at pastorsteve@cfccjeromeidaho.com or fill out our contact form.